Location: Berkeley, CA, United States

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Whoever has the money has the power.
The Lookout

The Amta has the money and are wielding their power again, in CA. Before I get into all of that I want to thank the Amta (again) for all they have done for me.

I am moved by the words, "Thank the ones who have taught you, helped you, met you for who you are. Appreciate them now." You may find those words as part of the sermon I heard on Easter Sunday, April 8, 2007, at the UUCB.

Thanks to the NHI, an Amta-COS member that provided me with a great education beginning with a 100 hour 11 day intensive training (no longer available), in 1986, giving me more than enough training making it possible for me to enter this trade.

Thanks to the Amta-CA for creating units . Thanks to the individual members of the Amta-CA-GGU for talking me into leading the GGU which led to my becoming a Delegate to the Amta House of Delegates at their national convention in Boston, in 1995.

I found the memorabalia in the above picture while cleaning out my office. Thanks for the memories. It was at the Amta national convention I made some of my longest lasting friendships and connections in this trade. I appreciate all the Amta has done for me.

Yes, all! I thank the Amta for making me stand up and learn the way how CA politics work. It is because the Amta has taken the offensive, aggressively seeking to put CA massage/touch governance into the hands of a board at the state level that I have had a great civics lesson and am continuing to become good at playing politics. Politics is a game.

CA-SB412 was a great civics lesson. I actually watched and took part in the process going so far as to express my opposition at a CA-Senate committee hearing in Sacramento. Getting involved is not as difficult as you may think or believe. Just showing up is a plus.

On the heels of CA-SB412 is SB731, yet another Amta attempt at putting the governance of massage into the hands of the state.

After a whole lot of thought, I have come to the point of thinking there may be a need for the licensing of massage. The difference between their idea and my idea is what it would take to get a license. I believe it should be a whole lot easier to get a license to do massage than it is to drive a car. How many people died from massage related injuries in the last decade?

My opening thoughts about the benefits of a license are here(1) and here(2) . I'm just a simple man that knows anyone can do massage with little or no formal training. That is both the bane and the boon of the work. But, also like driving, which needs no "formal" training, there should be different tests and licenses for the level of work one is doing reflecting the person is familiar with the laws regarding the driving/work one is doing.

They have already spent $13,500 lobbying the governor and legislature on creating a statewide standard for licensing during the 2007-2008 legislative session. By checking out their history at the link you will find they also spent nearly $175,000 on AB1388 and SB412. They are playing to win.

As many know, there will be a hearing in Sacramento on the 23rd of April. Letters sent to the committee in opposition to the bill may serve to nip the bill in the bud. Showing up or sending someone in opposition would also a good thing. Going to Sacramento is no easy chore...

With that in mind, I have set up a "meet-up" with the hope there are some truly interested in playing the CA politics game in earnest. The game rules for our arena are found here. This bill is in its infancy just going into committee.

Amongst the many definitions you will find "Legislative Advocate: An individual (commonly known as a lobbyist) engaged to present to legislators the views of a group or organization. The law requires formal registration with the Secretary of State if an individual's lobbying activity exceeds 25 contacts with decision makers in a two-month period." With enough support, I would be willing to take that on. With enough signing on, we could create a lobbying committee.

This is merely a beginning.... Some support will spur me on. No support will set me free to get into playing at my newly launched website found here.


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