Location: Berkeley, CA, United States

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Happy World Thinking Day!!

As noted in a post last week, I am celebrating World Thinking Day. Since that post, I have had the good fortune of seeing some very hard hitting folk that do an awful lot of ongoing thinking regarding the conditions in the big picture. We, especially in California, who are in the crosshairs of the Massage Right, are a microsm of that big picture.

On Valentines Day, I heard Bill Moyers speak as part of the Oakland Speakers Series. After painting a bleak picture as to what has happened in this country because of theGOP (Gods Own Party) gaining such political power, amongst many other things, Moyers offered up some suggestions as to what can be done to reverse the trends, simple things like getting involved in getting clean money acts passed which would stop allowing corporate structures from contributing so much money to infuence politicians. Some of what he addressed can be found here.

Then, on the 19th, I went to Grace Cathedral, in SF to hear about the rise of the religous left via a panel which included Michael Lerner founder of Tikkun. The discussion can be heard online. The discussion focused on Rabbi Lerner's new book, 'The Left Hand of God'. The book link takes you to an excerpt from the book.

So, here is what I was thinking after being motivated by the two events. On the politics list, I had an exchange with Beverly May, Amta-CA L&L co-chair and Amta National governmental relations board member. I suggested the Amta was the Massage Right. We do need a Massage

I posted a homework assignment as part of the announcement I would be celebrating World Thinking Day. The homework assignment, "is to start thinking, today, as to why you are NOT participating in the political process that will impact the way WE will be able to do our work, what WE will need to do to stay in compliance and put us in harms way by way of placing our power into the hands of those far removed from our homes that will only make it harder and more expensive for us to survive. CA-SB412 is doing just that." The rest of the assignment is here. I did a little follow-up to the homework assignment here. There has been no activity at the California Appropriations committee yet but I feel confident there is a lot of behind the doors negotiations going on. The homework assignment is not late yet.

Here is another assignment. (1) Go to the Grace Forum and listen to some of the discussion. The discussion is a big picture discussion of what could easily be a discussion befitting our microcosm of massage religion and politics. (2) Come back with some ideas as to how we can put down our egos, sometimes elitist mentalities and our unwillingness to be joiners and rally to defeat the well-organized massage right headed up by our friends at the Amta.

There is still the California Federation of Massage yahoo group where folk can gather. I paid the fees to keep it alive and will be doing something with it very soon. Before I do I am wishin' and hopin' that someone will come around and take it over. I would hate to have yet another play thing. C'mon you left leaning Progressives, let's go to work and create a massage left.

There has been a great point/counter point thread at the bodywork politics list that is worth reading beginning here. Especially powerful, imho, is the post by freedom fighter Dorothy Stone-Inouye addressing our great division. (Thanks Dorothy)


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